Flexyway Bakstenenmuur Donkerrood 1 segment 235 x 135 x 4 mm, 1:32 Juweela 23409

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Flexyway Bakstenenmuur Donkerrood 1 segment 235 x 135 x 4 mm, 1:32 Juweela 23409 Flexyway Bakstenenmuur Donkerrood 1 segment 235 x 135 x 4 mm, 1:32 Juweela 23409 Flexyway Bakstenenmuur Donkerrood 1 segment 235 x 135 x 4 mm, 1:32 Juweela 23409 Flexyway Bakstenenmuur Donkerrood 1 segment 235 x 135 x 4 mm, 1:32 Juweela 23409
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Flexyway Bakstenenmuur Donkerrood 1 segment
235 x 135 x 4 mm,
Juweela 23409

Flexyway are solid Juweela stones, which are separately fixed on a thin carrier foil. This makes the whole segment in-itself-flexible. Each stone can be removed individually: Potholes, damages, craters or the building site can be created where desired;

The segment can be cut and individually folded anywhere and at any point in the joints - without any visible interruption (as the joints are continuous).

The flexibility allows unevenness or ruts very simple. The ceramic bricks do not bend with, but behave as in the model.

In addition, they offer an excellent appearance and a color adjustment is also possible for beginners, e.g. with water based color.

When gluing, the corners do not bend up.
We recommend to weigh down the corners for approx. 24 hours after removing them from the box.
The material is sustainable and natural and can be easily adapted to the substrate.

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Produktnummer: 88009


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Flexyway Bakstenenmuur Donkerrood 1 segment 235 x 135 x 4 mm, 1:32 Juweela 23409
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